Monthly Archives: December 2023

Enduring the Rainy Season

Enduring the Rainy Season

Many kinds of climates may exist in your state, from hot and dry to cool and humid, depending on your elevation, weather patterns, proximity to water, etc.  Although mold can grow anywhere (even in the desert!), more water definitely means more mold.   Your “rainy season” can come in January or July…but it matters most that you are ready for it and know what to expect!

Taken from somewhere that REALLY gets their share of rain, in the Philippines it is common for people to get sick during the rainy season and even while transitioning from one season to the next.  The following advice from the Philippines could go a long way in the US, as well!

  1. Pack your rain gear.  An umbrella is a must on days that it might rain, which includes some that start out sunny!  We’re not saying that getting wet automatically makes you sick, but here’s the connection: wet clothing can lower your body temperature.  Lowered body temperature causes the blood vessels in the nose to constrict, which in turn limits the number of white blood cells that can come to your mucous membrane to fight off infections.  This is the type of lowered immune response that leaves you susceptible to viruses and microbes!
  2. Warm up quickly after you get wet by taking a warm shower, or at least changing into warm dry clothing.  Making a habit of washing your hands after traveling also helps!
  3. Drink lots of clean water!  This is another part of keeping your body’s immune system healthy.
  4. Use mosquito repellant: It seems like new mosquito-borne diseases are discovered every year, so if you’re going to be outside, make sure they don’t target you by applying a non-toxic repellent like Wondercide Insect Repellents
  5. Make sure that mold is not creeping into your home with water intrusions.  More water outside running over your home can lead to small or major leaks, which can go undetected if you aren’t vigilant!  Keep bedroom doors open for ventilation and check unused rooms at least weekly for any signs of leaks.  You may want to also leave ceiling fans running to increase air circulation, which has a drying effect.  Mold spore counts will increase outdoors during the rainy season, but you can keep them down indoors by:
    1. Using a HEPA air cleaner:  Medify has a great selection of air purifiers that are simple to use and a good value for the size of room purified. 
    2. If you believe that mold spores are increasing in your home’s air, there are several ways to deactivate them. Plugging in a Germ Defender, Upgraded Air Angel Mobile or installing a Whole Home Polar Ionizer, all of which use bipolar technology, kills mold in the air and on surfaces. Alternatively, Air Purification Candles actually lower the spore count.  They don’t have fragrance so you don’t have to worry about nasal irritation.  You can check out our article on them here!
    3. Keep a close eye on humidity levels in your home with these inexpensive humidity sensors–place them in several rooms so you don’t have to look too long to know what’s going on with the humidity!  If you see it creeping up, it may be time to research dehumidifying settings on your HVAC system or add a dehumidifier.

Your environment may make you feel like you’re living underwater, but do your best not to let it affect your health or the health of your home.  Where there’s moisture, there’s life–just make sure it’s the beneficial, beautiful kind by preventing mold  and microbe growth.

It’s a dehumidifier that doesn’t use electricity AND has no moving parts!

It’s a dehumidifier that doesn’t use electricity AND has no moving parts!

Our clients know that here at HypoAir, we’re all about managing humidity for a healthier home.  If your house is above 60% humidity, you can start to have mold problems (the higher the humidity, the more quickly mold can grow).  We’ve written on dehumidifiers of all sizes for any room in your home, but none of them tops what this invention does.  It’s a passive dehumidifier that “sucks” the moisture out of air and evaporates it outside with help from the sun, even when the outside humidity was higher than inside!

Some of the best inventions have been developed by observing nature, called biomimicry.  In this case, researchers observed how trees “transpire” moisture, which includes lifting water from the roots to the leaves, where it evaporates through the pores, or stomata, of the leaves.  Thus, there are two parts of the tree that function in transpiration: the trunk of the tree contains xylem, which are very small capillaries or “straws”, and the pores in the leaves.  The sun’s energy starts the evaporation process and actually creates a negative pressure in the xylem, essentially sucking water up from the ground to the leaves.  (How do large trees, such as redwoods, get water from their roots to the leaves?)  

Researchers searched for similar behavior when they developed materials to mimic this water movement.  Two different materials were needed: one to absorb the water from the air (super-hygroscopic) and one to readily enable it to evaporate using the sun’s heat.  Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have been the subject of enormous research in the last decade.  They are like activated charcoal on steroids; because of their structured pores, internal surface area is huge.  When comparing the surface area per unit weight, the activated carbons are 400–2000 m2/g, zeolites up to 1500 m2/g, and MOFs are in the 1500–7000 m2/g range. MOFs are the porous materials with the highest surface area, with an ultra-high porosity of up to 90% of free volume.  (MOFs vs. other porous materials for carbon capture)  On top of this, MOFs can be custom-built to “adsorb” many different gasses or liquids, such as water, VOCs, metals, etc.  Thus, it made sense to make a very thirsty (hygroscopic) MOF to suck up water vapor, also known as a desiccant.  The researchers decided to try impregnating Lithium Chloride (LiCl, a salt) into an MOF. MOFs are typically granular, like sand, but the researchers wanted this component to be self-supporting, so they decided to nanospin the MOFs into a nanofibrous membrane (NFM) using polyacrylonitrile (PAN), a synthetic polymer resin.  The NFM would also enable the component to have a fast moisture absorption–desorption rate.  Thus, the “straw” component of the dehumidifier is abbreviated (PAN/MIL@LiCl) NFM, with MIL describing the “multilayer”. 

Passing the water vapor through to the outside of the space, the other component had to allow heat from the sun to evaporate this water, creating the “wicking” action.  This is the photothermal component.  Carbon black is a fine black powder produced by partial burning and pyrolysis of oil residues or natural gas at high temperatures.  (Carbon Black 101)  The black color works well to absorb solar heat, and adding it to a PAN NFM (PAN/CB) allows for great surface area, and thus evaporation rates.  The two layers put together are abbreviated PAN/MIL@LiCl-PAN/CB or for short, PML-PC NFM.

How did this layered dehumidifier configuration work out?  Impressively!  Being semi-flexible, it could be laid flat as a dehumidifier “panel” in a roof, or deformed to allow for water harvesting from the air (see diagram below). The scaled-down model of a house was constructed with dimensions of 40 cm × 50 cm × 40 cm, and a window with an area of 6 cm × 6 cm was designed for bilayer membrane installation. When light from the solar simulator illuminated the surface of the bilayer PML-PC NFM, the moisture in the indoor air was pumped by bilayer PML-PC NFM and simultaneously transported outdoors in the form of water vapor. The moisture actively moved from a high-humidity to a medium-humidity environment and also from a high-humidity to an ultra-high humidity environment through bilayer PML-PC NFM under sunlight irradiation. This is a unique advantage in terms of the dehumidification ability of the novel NFM-based moisture pump compared with traditional desiccants.  When the device was placed in an environment with an ambient humidity of 46%, the indoor RH was reduced from 70 to 48.9% within 2 h using bilayer PML-PC NFM.  When the device was placed in an environment with an ambient humidity of 80%. The indoor RH in the house model steadily decreased from 70 to 58.3% within 2 h using bilayer PML-PC NFM.  These are lower humidity ending points than that of the NFM without a photothermal layer. (Super hygroscopic nanofibrous membrane-based moisture pump for solar-driven indoor dehumidification)

Source: (Super hygroscopic nanofibrous membrane-based moisture pump for solar-driven indoor dehumidification

Now, what if night falls or clouds obscure the sun?  Since the experiment used a solar simulator of 1 kw/M2, which is the maximum amount of sunlight that can be had at the equator on a cloudless day, that would be a pretty intense artificial light needed to keep dehumidifying through the night or clouds.  For these reasons, this material would work best in an area with a high percentage of sunlight year-round, and lots of need for dehumidification (like the tropics).  Is it affordable?  Although the information in this paper is now 3 years old and other water-harvesting MOFs have been created, we don’t see any commercial applications yet, sadly.  Making such a technology affordable will do a lot to improve air quality in homes where energy (and dehumidifiers) are relatively expensive, since it doesn’t require electricity to condense humidity or regenerate the desiccant.  It could also allow many people to have access to clean drinking water by “pulling it out of thin air”.  We think it’s just too cool of an idea to keep to ourselves!

As for “natural” dehumidifiers, there are many materials that are hygroscopic: rock salt, calcium chloride (DampRid), baking soda, even sugar and honey.  The most efficient material we’ve seen is rock salt, most of all because it can be recycled: simply retain the liquid, let it evaporate in a pan outside in the sun, and break up the chunks to reuse it again (be sure to protect animals and children from drinking it by placing a screen over it!).  The downside to a rock salt dehumidifier is that it will only draw humidity down to 75%, which is the humidity that causes the salt to dissolve.  Also, using it in basements or porous/non-sealed areas is quite a lot of work for the results, as moisture is constantly being replenished from the ground through the concrete.  Finally, if you don’t recycle it, the liquid is quite toxic to vegetation, animals and can damage some surfaces.  

Some plants also act as natural dehumidifiers.  Check out the videos of the desert plant T. aphylla, native to the Middle East, which moves salts from the local soil to its branches and uses them to harvest water from the air!  The salt crystals on its branches change from a crystal structure during the day (low humidity) to drops of liquid at night, which it can absorb through its foliage.  If you have a normal “green thumb”, check out this article for a list of indoor plants that dehumidify.  Of course, we are all for natural, non-toxic and low-energy ways to improve the air in our homes!

Photo by Vivint Solar on Unsplash

These steps convert your HVAC into a whole house filter

These steps convert your HVAC into a whole house filter

Many people have central air conditioning/heating, yet they don’t know that this machine could be used year round to improve the air quality in their homes.  For such an expensive investment, it’s wise to get the most out of it–everyday!  Here are a number of tips to do just that.

  1. Air-seal the return ductwork.  We’ve written extensively on air-sealing your home, attached garage and attic, but the return ductwork is super-important too.  A lot of contractors use wood or drywall to “frame” a duct but without sealing the corners, you are pulling dusty air from wall cavities, the attic and maybe even under your house, if the return air grille is near the floor.  Here is a great video on what to do and which products to use.  Air-sealing your ductwork is not a bad idea, either.

  1. Make air filter changes top priority!

If you’ve finally gotten on a schedule of changing your HVAC filter, we applaud you!  You are protecting this expensive equipment by preventing an overly-dirty filter from damaging the fan or other components, because dirty filters increase the pressure drop, like trying to suck a Big Gulp through a coffee stirrer.  Try to use a higher MERV filter (like 11, 12 or 13), first by reading our article How can I get more filtration with my current HVAC system, then increasing the MERV if you have enough filter surface area.

  1. Seal the filter in place.

There are several ways to make sure that air is not bypassing the filter.  

  • This video shows how to seal a vent grille to the drywall using spray foam.  Although this can also be done from the attic (with less chance of dripping messy foam in your house, not all vents can be accessed from above.  

  • For the return grille: caulk the filter grille to the drywall.  

  • Use filter-sealing tape over the filter:  

    • AllergyZone FilterLock Filter Slot Seal, $10, has a magnetic closure to stick securely to your filter slot opening, sealing gaps to maximize filter use.  The video on this page for the product shows how easy it is to install.

    • Or, if you have a filter that lies flat in a filter grille, use masking tape or painter's tape to seal the edges of it to the filter grille like in this video (I prefer painter's tape because it removes more cleanly). 

  1. If you have a BP-2400 Whole Home Ionizer, install it between the return air filter and evaporator coil, or before the fan, in order to get those ions circulating through your whole home.  Once a year, it helps to de-energize the ionizer and clean of any dust from the brush heads, which will maximize its efficiency.

  1. Set the fan to “on”, not auto.  This ensures that the fan is always running even if the heat or AC is not on.  If you’re concerned about the cost of running the fan all year, you don’t have to be.  Check out our article on how to calculate this cost to see that it’s not a lot (~$10 per month or less), especially for the reward of cleaner home air.  The bonus is that circulating air with this fan redistributes air throughout your home, reducing moisture content in soft furnishings and mold growth.

You are ready to go!  Dust, cleaning and personal products, pets, cooking–they all contribute to less-than-stellar indoor air quality, so it’s wise to make the most of what you already have to improve it!

Photo by Tekton on Unsplash