For those of us who want a healthy home and have the opportunity to build a home from the ground up or make major renovations to an existing home, we can go one of two routes. Hire a reputable builder...
Limewashed walls are soothing, calming and pleasing to look upon. This finish has a texture and lightly variable color that would take a lot of artistry to achieve with any regular latex paint. In addition, lime is an air purifier...
Why you need a moisture meter (and how to use it!) Moisture meters are like thermometers. When you think, I feel warm…do I have a fever? You might ask someone else to put their hand on your forehead for a...
Our Top Articles for Reference by Topic We have published a lot of information for you on our website, so we understand it can be a lot to digest! Here’s a shortlist of our top articles Mold and Mycotoxins Mold...
†Third-party testing indicates that devices with the Polar Ionization™ technology have proven effective at helping reduce Mold, Bacteria, PM2.5, SARS-CoV-2, E. Coli, MRSA, C. Difficil, VRE, TB (M Terrae), and more. These studies are often in controlled laboratory environments or through commercial 3rd party partners. Results will vary due to many real world variables including humidity, contamination concentrations and types, air flow, altitude, temperature, and more.
†Third-party testing indicates that devices with the AHPCO® technology have proven effective at helping reduce, MERS CoV, TVOCs, Mold, Bacteria, Ammonia (NHS), Hydrogen Sulfide (HS2), Respiratory Suspended Particulates, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Aspergillus versicolor, Penicillium chrysogenum, E. Coli, Conidia and Hyphae from Alternaria, spores from Dreschlera, Cladosporium and Stachybotrys chartarum, and more. These studies are often in controlled laboratory environments or through commercial 3rd party partners. Results will vary due to many real world variables including humidity, contamination concentrations and types, air flow, altitude, temperature, and more.

†Coverage estimates are based primarily upon our 10+ years of experience with clients and their real world environment and goals. Various lab, third party, and real world studies have shown varying speed and efficacy in different room types and sizes. Recommended coverages are for average contamination levels in residential spaces. Results will vary due to many real world variables including humidity, contamination concentrations and types, air flow, altitude, temperature, and more. Please contact us for free consultations regarding more specific recommendations and information: