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A Clean-Air Kitchen Checklist
A Clean-Air Kitchen Checklist It’s clear from the amount of money and size of kitchens nowadays that the kitchen is where people spend a lot of time.  Big islands, comfortable chairs and features like coffee bars and wine coolers make...
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The Consequences of Flushing the Toilet with the Lid Open
The Consequences of Flushing the Toilet with the Lid Open Spoiler alert: the consequences are not pretty.  This calming (Australian?) voice and wonderful orchestral soundtrack in this December 2022 video belie the serious and gross subject: how much germs and fecal matter...
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Maximizing Your Sleep
Maximizing Your Sleep For many of us, sleep is the “margin” in our day; everyone and everything that needs more time usually sucks it out of our sleep time.  It’s not supposed to be that way, but until you can...
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Plants as Air Purifiers?
Plants as Air Purifiers? IF you lived in a sealed environment like a spaceship or biodome, then plants could be extremely helpful in reducing harmful VOCs (check out NASA’s BioHome).  Since most of us live in a much more dynamic environment...
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