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How to keep MILDEW out of your CLOSET
How to keep MILDEW out of your CLOSET Closet doors are meant to keep closed, right?  Unless you are Martha Stewart, it’s likely your closet doors don’t stay open very long–if they close to begin with!  The problem comes when...
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The purifying power of sunlight
The purifying power of sunlight “Letting the sunshine in” has several purifying benefits–and sunshine is free!  Ultraviolet (UV) radiation has a higher frequency than visible light (you can’t see it), but it kills microbes.  UV radiation has three wavelength zones:...
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Getting the Basement Dried Out
Getting the Basement Dried Out In our post on how the basement affects our whole home’s air quality, we discussed how mold and mildew form and are sustained in the basement.  Active water leaks (flowing down the walls and pooled...
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